Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Be Vewy Vewy Quiet, I'm Hunting Jobs!

So I have been enjoying my time here in Beloit quite a bit, actually. I've been spending a lot of my time hanging out at the college with friends and Alexander, whether or not it is good for me or it feels like I'm regressing or whatever, it is really nice. I've been having fun.

I have also been applying to jobs. A lot of jobs. I almost got a job, actually. I put my resume up on a website, the next day I got a call, the day after that I had an interview and it seemed like everything was going well. Then for about a week and a half they led me on saying I got it, I didn't get it, I was back in the running again, etc. etc. Finally I found out I did not get it. I guess under the circumstances it doesn't much matter what the job was. It wasn't ideal but it was really great and I am sad that I didn't get hired, but in the end maybe it will prove to be for the best. I'm not going to lie, a large part of the reason I am sad is that it means I have to keep applying to things. The application process is the worst. I'm so sick of writing over and over again all the places I've worked for the past four years and everything I've done. The wildlife positions are nice because you usually just need your resume and a cover letter, maybe some references. For some of the larger companies they have about ten pages of questions, at least two of each, all asking in roundabout ways whether I'm a psycho or sociopath and if I will not show up for work because I have been killed in some sort of horrific sky-diving accident, or perhaps go crazy and murder a customer. At least, as far as I can tell that is what they are trying to get at. Then there are the applications that you have to get online but you can't fill out online, you have to print the application and deliver it in person or mail it or whatever.

I'm applying to things in Madison, still thinking I might try to move there in January but it depends on a number of things. I'm still a little afraid that I will get too comfortable in a nice city full of friends and will become too content working in a minimum wage or slightly-above minimum wage job and put off/forget about my ambitions and grad school, etc. My parents each separately told me this is not a thing I should worry about. I guess it makes sense, since I won't be able to go to grad school for at least another year after this one (I do not have enough time to apply before deadlines, and I think another year off would be nice) so I might as well spend it in a place that makes me happy. I don't have much drawing me in any other directions right now. I have applied to a few other jobs, wildlife jobs that don't pay much and that mean living in a cramped house probably in the middle of nowhere again. That was fun for the summer, I really liked it and I could make friends plus...wildlife biology but also...friends...I don't know. I guess I'll just see what, if anything, emails me back. Wheeeeee being unemployed! Life is scary but also kind of exciting. No. Bad Karis. Life is SUPER EXCITING AND NOT SCARY! I will repeat this until it becomes true.

1 comment:

  1. I totally know what you mean about being worried about getting complacent with a lousy job in a nice place. I'm planning on moving up to Madison as soon as I can find a job after the new year myself. What I've decided to do is that once I'm settled and have a roommate so I don't have to work full-time to pay my bills is I'm going to at least take one or two classes a semester at UW. I figure that will keep me motivated, interested in school, etc and not completely drain my bank account. Something to consider if you're going to be living in Madison for a year or more.
